Why didn’t anyone think of this before!

Kuepper; the co-founder of ’70’s proto-punks The Saints, chief architect of the uncompromising Laughing Clowns and The Aints! and master songsmith over some 15+ solo albums, and White; the brilliant drummer of renowned instrumentalists Dirty Three, partner in the genre-defying Xylouris White and disciple of all things Ed. Together they will tackle 45 years worth of Kuepper catalogue with a twist that only these two game-changers could apply.

“I learnt drums playing with Aretha Franklin and the Saints on my childhood home’s furniture. The Saints’ first three record, Laughing Clowns and Ed Kuepper’s solo work have been a huge inspiration for me in my drumming life and beyond, a well of inspiration I carry with me and can dip into at will.” – Jim White

We are sorry to announce the cancellation of the Ed Kuepper with Jim White shows in Bellingen and Milton (full refunds available from the point of purchase) but are working hard on new dates for the Sydney & Wollongong shows.

All other shows on sale now!