In 2009 Feel Presents, alongside our partners ATP and Sydney Festival, were presented with a SMAC (Sydney Music Arts & Culture) award for Best Music Event as voted by the readers of Time Off and listeners of FBi radio for the Sydney debut of the All Tomorrows Parties Festival.
Well, it seems that package of partners are up for a gong again in 2010. This time though, we are nominees in the Helpmann Awards for Best Australian Contemporary Concert as voted by the members of Live Performance Australia for the Don’t Look Back presentation of Dirty Three and Laughing Clowns performing their classic albums Ocean Songs and History of Rick ‘n Roll Vol.1. What a mouthful… Other contenders include Glen Wheatley presenting John Farnham: Live By Demand (didn’t Farnesy retire???) & Renegade Films for the Rockwiz National Tour. Stiff competition.
The winners are to be announced on September 6th at some top class shindig at the Opera House. We’ll keep you posted as to how we go.